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Brandie Tan, new ECD of Publicis JimenezBasic


 Publicis JimenezBasic gets new creative leadership with the appointment of Brandie Tan as ECD. In his new role, Tan will lead the creation of truly integrated engagement between brand and audience. Having won local and international awards for both creativity and effectivity, Tan will guide the creative team in creating business-building, integrated campaigns for some of the country's biggest brands.
JR Ramos, Joint CEO of PJB, shared, "Brandie will be a shot in the arm for our Creative Team at Publicis JimenezBasic. With both creativity and effectivity awards under his belt for traditional, digital, and fully integrated campaigns, he will help improve and push the quality of our work so that our brands remain successful and top-of-mind for many people."
Tan brings with him a wealth of experience having served as ECD of Lowe Vietnam, BBDO Guerrero, and most recently, Lowe Malaysia. He was replaced by Zaidi Awang
 Tan was part of the team that won the first Gold Cannes Lion for the Philippines back in 2007 together with his partner, Tin Sanchez. He has also been integral in the creation of work such as DOT's It's More Fun in the Philippines and Bayan DSL's Lola Techie. In 2011, he was ranked as the no. 1 ECD in the country after having helped BBDO Guerrero garner local and international awards for clients such as FedEx, Bayer Saridon, Pepsi, Anlene, and The Philippine Department of Tourism.
Commenting on his appointment, Tan said, “Publicis JimenezBasic’s work has always been part of Filipino pop culture and I’m happy to now get a chance to be part of creating new campaigns with the hope of achieving the same status. There is much to be done, especially in being able to speak with the audience through mobile, social and online. The goal is to push the work by keeping the insights local and the crafting global.”


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