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Showing posts from April 13, 2003
Jedi Jobert is finally blogging, baby! Let's see if your powers works over the net, young Jedi! Nyahahaha!
PALANCA PANIC ATTACK Mark confirmed that the deadline for the Palanca is on the 30th and I don't have a single thing to enter. ARRRRRRRRRRRRRGGHHH!!! I usually get to read a press release about it and that would remind me about the contest, but I didn't see any this year. Then again, I should've just marked my calendar since the contest always happens this time of the year. AAARRRRRGGGHHHH!!!
MY EVER DEVOLVING HEADLINES While most of the working world have already gone home or have begun their trek to the province, I am still here at the office because we have to release print ads and merchandising materials that have to up by Easter Sunday. (They have to be released today because there will be no work from tomorrow til next week.) After checking several dozen X-MEN banners and streamers, we get a call from client, who got a call from some Marvel guy or 20th Century Fox guy abroad who said, that we can't use the phrase: JOIN THE BATTLE! Due to America's current preoccupation with Iraq, they don't want their characters to be associated with anything related to war, hence we can't say "battle." Hmmm... but isn't X2 all about the impending start of a "genetic war" between humans and mutants? We have another ad coming out on Sunday which will feature other Marvel superheroes. The original headline read: Hero hype! Mutant m...
See Tina Rant See Tina Rave "I either rant or rave about the tv shows, films, books, restaurants, etc. that I experience. No fancy rating system for me. It's either I think something was a worthwhile experience and I recommend others try it, or I don't." --Tina
Check out Carl's blog's new look . Very nice. Very homey. Where's the comfy where guests can sit and read?
Thanks to Camile and whatever for answering my question.