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Showing posts from November 4, 2001
I'm in Greenbelt. It's raining outside. So, I'm stuck here for awhile. Don't think my umbrella will be any help in the rain. There's a storm coming. Wonder how bad it'll get tomorrow. Tomorrow... in three hours, actually, it's be my birthday. And I'll be 29. Yey. hmmm... now what? Actually, I've got a lot of stuff to do. Wow! I'll be 30 next year. Karen celebrated her 30th bday with the launch of her book. Not a bad idea. I've got a year to put all together. But what's it going to be? I have several things in mind. It's just a question of what can be done in 365days, considering everyone else's schedule... and my schedule... Avid replied to my email about Alamat's 7th anniversary. Said something about, after seven years, Alamat hasn't really done a "real comic book"-- "a book with colors and good lettering". :) I wonder who he's referring to. :) Anyway, that'...
AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #36 comes out next week (I think). It deals with the Sept.11 attack.Written by J. Michael Straczynski and illustrated John Romita Jr. Here are some preview pages: showing the building collapsing , a tribute to the fire fighters , and random scenes in the city and in the crashed airliner. Damn. Just looking the pictures made me teary-eyed again. God bless us all. Fly high, seek peace.
Guess what I got today? HOT OFF THE PRESS!!! It will be available next week. :) See you at the comic book store!
Getting wired on Mr.D The nearby coffee shop closed down. Starbucks is all the way down the street. And Dome is on the other side of the street. Both are just too expensive for me these days. Then there's Mr. Donut is is just across the street. It's always been there, but never really bother. The other day, went over there with Grace and we both ordered to cups of their brewed coffee. Back the office, I pour my two cups into my mug and realized that it was as much as a tall drink from Starbucks-- and only for P35.00! So, I've now gone back to Mr.D... good old Mr.D. He who kept us awake and fed during the early days of Alamat. I just wish they didn't tune in to those lousy pop stations-- but I guess that's what makes Mr. D, Mr.D.
Whilce Portacio comments on " Looking for Heroes " Hey, I for one thank you for sharing your thoughts...even tho' I was raised here in the US, I as a Filipino also share your final thoughts. Where are our heroes? In fact, I have been trying to no avail to convey in words and thoughts that a Filipino audience could understand some of these same thoughts that you have shared with all of us. My perspective would be mostly concentrating on the view that I wish that Filipino's as a culture, as a people would take to heart the lesson in hero cherishing that America is showing to the world and has been showing to the world for decades. The one thing that motivates every American whether you are born to it, or naturalized to it, or are in the process of gaining that status is the love and value of heroes. From the second America realized that those video images we watched live on TV were actually real, America went actively hunting for Heroes. Th...
Rafael Kayanan comments on " Looking for Heroes ". Excellent post Budjette. From my New York citizen's perspective though, many NYCers felt the same as you did about the police and the government on the eve of Sept. 10th. Only the firemen have been held in high regard because we see the skyscrapers and experience daily the problems of dealing with the tall structures. What do we do if caught in an earthquake (which we had on a small scale this morning) or a fire etc.? So these were folks we saw in high regard already. The police and Giuliani had some scars on them due to certain aberrations in the department. It took a time of great crisis to show the rest of the city what they represented. Their ideal core as protectors of the citizenry. It took a crisis such as this for NYers to show the country what they were made of. It took the comic industry a crisis such as this to touch on the very core of what makes a hero. I bet there were many with tears in...