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Showing posts from January 25, 2004
CURRENTLY MY GUILTY PLEASURE. When I first heard "Toxic", I didn't even know it was sung by Britney. I thought it was from some new manufactured all-girl group. I kept hearing it on the radio for a week, but always missed the DJ's intro to the song, so I only found when I finally saw it on MTV. Damn! She got me there. I like the song. Guilty as charged. The video's not that bad, has that ALIAS / JAMES BOND feel to it. Actually, the song does remind me of a James Bong theme song, especially that part where the guitar comes in. Must. Stop. Self. From. Buying. CD.
WE HAVE ZUCH ZITES TO ZHOW YOUZ Hey kids! Look! Zsazsa Zaturnnah has a new web site! Click click and check out an exclusive interview with Carl Vergara and the answer to the very importnat question, "Will Zsazsa run for President?" Or maybe, she should run for Congress! hehehe You can also download three zuper pretty Zsazsa Zaturnnah wallpaper . So, go! Go! Click! Click! ZATURNNAH!!!! And anyone around the world can now get their hands on the magical story of ZSAZSA, because she's now available in DIVISORIA.COM .
+ Just got SPAM about the 1st Metaphysical Convention , to be held in Las Vegas. Which begs the question, if you can't go to Vegas, can you attend the convention in spirit? (Rim shot please) It would also make for an interesting episode of CSI! (Starts next week! Yey!)
I AM SQUIRREL Saw this in Hai's site and couldn't help but laugh. That's what I'm like in the office. I am a squirrel... hear me roar.