Last October, while I was in the UK, aside from getting to meet Alan Moore , I also got to meet Mike Carey, writer of THE UNWRITTEN , and Vertigo editor Pornsak Pichetshote. They were attending the British International Comics Show and they were in the audience of Yuko Shimizu 's talk, the cover artist of THE UNWRITTEN. After the talk, I tried to find the best opportunity to introduce myself to them. But a lot of other people were talking to them and I didn't want to be rude and just butt in their conversation. I finally saw my chance when they broke away from the crowd and went into the men's room. (No! I did not follow them in there!) I waited for them to come out and quickly blocked their way and blurted out: Hi!I'mBudjetteTanfromthePhilippines!AndIjustwantedtogiveYOUacopyofmycomicbookTRESE!ThankYOU! I gave them copies of TRESE and said thanks again. As soon as I walked away, other people came up to them greet them and talk to them. I looked back and saw tha...
The rants and raves of a copy/comic book/writer in Manila.