“The law doesn’t shape people’s opinions, TV and Hollywood do. I tell my students, `If you want to change the world, be a TV or movie producer, don’t become a lawyer.` Popular culture is the most powerful force.”
Larry Kramer, New York University Law Professor
Makes me wonder if Professor Kramer has ever been to the Philippines where popular culture / popular personalities have used and abused their popularity to attain even more powerful positions in government.
Which makes me go back to my babbling about the need for heroes in Pinoy pop culture. Which makes me wonder if the characters of our tele-novelas and so-called Chi-novelas offer enough “heroes” for the people. More importantly, do we have enough heroes for our children whose minds are being shaped by the things that they see and watch and read.
Something to keep in mind as we create these characters for the sake of entertainment— that they can be so much more.
The rants and raves of a copy/comic book/writer in Manila.