. The Princeling Who Ran Away Jessica Zafra Some months ago, a beautiful white cat took up residence in my building. He appears to be of some foreign breed—larger than the average male cat, white, with black ears and a long, thick black tail. Most cats have an aristocratic bearing, but this one has the air of a foreign princeling who escaped from his retinue to go slumming among the common people. Sort of like Audrey Hepburn in Roman Holiday, except that she didn’t eat mice or poop in the yard. The story of his arrival varies according to which security guard is telling it, but apparently everyone witnessed the great event. In one version, the cat was crouching in the back seat of a moving SUV when he suddenly leapt out the window and dashed towards our building. In another version, he was sitting on the lap of a woman in a white maid’s uniform, and the vehicle was a late-model Mercedes Benz. The accounts vary, but they all mention his grand origins, or as they put it, “Sosyal yang pus...
The rants and raves of a copy/comic book/writer in Manila.