I almost cried when Ian emailed me this pin-up / cover.
Ian Sta. Maria is one of the art directors of the Globe Team. (He's also the inker of Batch72 and former vocalist of the rock band Chocolate Beef.)
Despite the fact he's working on a tri-media campaign, as well as several other print ads, he managed to do this art work along with three other pin-ups.
Turns out he and Bow started talking about the good old days of COMICS 101 and the Flying Phantom. So Bow brought along some old sketches and character designs and gave them to Ian and the next thing we knew... SHAZAM! Ahem... I mean, FLY PHANTOM! FLY! (Well, that's not really his battle cry. He has none.)
Is this a sign from the comic book gods that the Phantom must fly again?!
Let's see if something takes flight before the year ends. :)
The rants and raves of a copy/comic book/writer in Manila.