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Showing posts from February 12, 2006
pieces/of/you// by/budjette/tan 12:59AM Menu Select Create Message Text Message New Message AWAKE? IM ONLINE. WANNA CHAT? :-) Send Search Contacts Select LEAH OK Message Sent 1:37AM New Message I HAVE STARTD 2 CHAT WTH OTHR GRLS IN D CHATRM. Send LEAH365 is the lonely housewife whose husband thinks she’s surfing for pastry recipes. LEAH143 is heart surgeon who chats while wearing her ex-boyfriend’s boxer shorts. LE@H is the computer engineer who likes it when her boss yells at her. LEAHHH!!! is the choir girl who downloads mp3s of heavy metal bands. SUPERSEXYLEAH is a man. 2:01AM New Message AWAKE? R U ONLINE? :-) R U JUST IN INVISIBLE MODE? Send. 3:55AM New Message ALL D OTHR LEAHS HAV LOGGD OFF ALREADY. WR U? AWAKE? Send. 4:04AM New Message CLDNT U HAV AT LEAST SAID GBYE OR SUMTHIN INSTD OF JST IGNORING ME LIKE DIS???! Send. 4:05AM New Message I’M SORI Send. 4:06AM New Message I’M REALLY REALLY SORI!!! Send. 4:07AM 1 New Message Open Message FROM: LEAH WHO U? 4:44AM Menu Contacts Sea...