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Showing posts from May 8, 2005
Aaaahhh-choooo!!! I'm sick again. Been sick since Saturday. Didn't get to go to work Tuesday and Wednesday. I went back to work today. Brain feels clogged by the mucus. Hope Friday will be better. Hope next week will be better. Sorry folks, I've got nothing coherent to say right now. So, here's something from Joey, age 8 . "Lord, Thank you for helping me pass the La Salle text. I ask for forgiveness for guessing, but thank You for helping me to guess right. "
Back when I was very young, when I was in grade school, when I was watching too much Johnny Carson and David Letterman when I should've been sleeping because it was a school night, I made a joke about Mother's Day. I think I cracked it during some dinner with some relatives. I said, "What's the big deal about Mother's Day?! Every day we kiss them and hug them. So, isn't every day Mother's Day anyway?" Nobody got the joke. I thought it was funny. (I was a sarcastic little kid.) That night I saw my mom crying in the bedroom. She told me that she got hurt with what I said. I tried to explain the joke, but that didn't matter. I said sorry and hugged her and kissed her. I stayed up the whole night putting together a crayon-drawn card. On the front, it showed a little kid holding up a placard that said, "Mother's Day? No way!" And when you opened the card, it showed the same kid, but this time the copy on the placard said, "Celebrate M...