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Showing posts from December 12, 2004
. Playing with Dice Budjette Tan He was the only one in the hospital cafeteria. The lady behind the counter had stepped out to go to the comfort room, leaving him and the day’s special that no one really wanted to order. He felt small seated at that long, white table. He chose the one near the window, hoping to catch a breeze since the lady turned off the air conditioning. The night air was stuffy, made worse by the antiseptic they used to mop the floor that just seemed to punch him in the nose. He adjusted his eyeglasses as he flipped open another book. His finger ran down the page, searching for the right spell. In his palm was a 20-sided dice. It felt warm in his hand, like a piece of M&M chocolate. The dice clattered on the plastic surface of the table. He got a 9. Not enough. He tried another spell. 13. Rolled again. 6 Not enough. He had been here since last night, since they brought his lolo to the ICU, and ever since then, he had...
. The big blood-drenched picture by David Hontiveros " James Wan’s SAW is the cinematic equivalent of a bear trap (to borrow an analogy from the film); once it begins, those rusty, razor-toothed jaws snap shut, and there’s little else you can do but sit riveted to your seat till the bitter, bloody end. "What if you woke up to find yourself chained to a pipe in a decrepit bathroom, without knowing who put you there, or why? From this seed, the twisted and gnarled script of Saw—written by Leigh Whannell, who plays Adam in the film—grows. And it turns out to be one of the best, most intense, and most involving English-language horror films made in quite a while." Read the rest of David Hontiveros' review here:
Fantastic Lastik Comic Book Why on earth would anyone want to get Mango Comics latest publication: MARS RAVELO’S LASTIKMAN? Well, for only P150, which is the price you’d pay for a regular 22-page super-X-whatever-bat-book, you get a complete prestige formatish 56-page full color slam bang extravaganza!!! Are you a fan of Gerry Alanguilan’s stories? Then you better get this book! Because if you want a dark, dramatic, blood and guts Wasted type story, then you better go get an extra copy of WASTED (still available in selected secret branches here and there). But if you’re a fan of Gerry’s CREST HUT BUTT SHOP, then consider this CREST HUT’s elastic spastic cousin. Yup, all the crazy, zany, wacko slice of superhero life (including chickens) have been crammed into the panels of this 56-page book. It’s a slam bang bang kerplang action packed story. Well, it’s more like slam bang bang HAHAHHA kapow kablam CRY CRY kablooey action packed type of story. Another reason you s...
Four color fan films By David Hontiveros "When it comes to superheroes, Hollywood just doesn’t get it sometimes. Which is why some comic book fans have taken what they felt were the necessary steps to see the heroes they care about “done right.” Downloadable from the Internet these days is a whole bevy of short fan films crafted with care and fistfuls of maxed-out credit cards, and, surprisingly, some of these look far more accomplished (and truer to the source material) than their big budget feature-length cousins." Read David's review of these fanfilms at: Other reviews by David: Exorcist: The Beginning Open Water
He's baaack! Just when you thought it was safe to go back to bloggin' Click for the return of the come back of Mark ...
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