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Showing posts from July 21, 2002
FLIP: The Official Guide to World Domination is now available. Published and edited by Jessica Zafra. Only P100.00 Get it for FREE at Powerbooks and A Different Bookstore, if you have their membership card. It begins! A PREVIEW OF THE FIRST ISSUE * The World Domination Report > How We Invented Globalization > We are the first citizens of the gloablized economy. We knew all about the global vilage even before Marshall McLuhan coined the word. FLIP Editor and Publisher Jessica Zafra explains why Pinoys don't have to take the planet by force-- it will be ours eventually. * Kingdom of Cockroaches > In our quest for wolrd domination, our fiercest competitors are these noctural creatures, Roby Alampay tells us why our claim to ebing the dominant species is shaky at best. * Canine Cuisine > The Whitebread Award-winning author James Hamilton Paterson says : When in Rome, eas as the Romans do. * Flip-Hop Nation > Hip-hop saves the local record...
All around me darkness gathers, fading is the sun that shone; we must speak of other matters: you can be me when I'm gone. --Neil Gaiman David's father passed away the other night. We all went to the cremation. I think it was the first time the whole group got together after a very long while. We weren't even that complete during my last birthday (which was when everyone was usually at full attendance, back when we still lived in La Vista). We left around midnight. Some of us ended up at Mr. Donut, our old tambayan back when there when Starbucks was not found at every corner. To our surprise, Mr. Donut had a complete facelift. It now looks like a branch of Starbucks, just more brightly lit. And we wondered if that old rat was still around. And I wondered how Dave will be. I hope that things will get better for him. The death of my father was a turning point for me and my mom and brother. I guess my dad's death was my "Call to Adventur...