:-( D'S DAY A very strange thing happened today. I was in Greenhills and was feeling very happy because I was able to buy this SAM & TWITCH action figure that I've been looking for. I then went to Mercury Drug to buy somethings. When I entered the store, this Oasis song was playing... All your dreams are made Of Strawberry lemonade And you make sure I eat today You take me walking To where you played When you were young And I started to sob and sniffle and cry. There I was, a 31-year old man, standing in the middle of the deodorant and shampoo aisle, holding a bottle of foot powder, and I was crying. In my head, I was telling myself, "Look for the Vaseline lotion. Look for the Vaseline lotion." So I started to walk around, not wanting to look anyone in the eye as I cried, at the same time trying to find that bottle of lotion. I'll never say that I Won't ever make you cry And this I'll say I don't know why I know I...
The rants and raves of a copy/comic book/writer in Manila.