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Showing posts from November 9, 2003
- FROM J.TORRES' "OPEN YOUR MOUTH" COLUMN: As a follow-up to Budjette Tan's two-part article about the Filipino contribution to Western comic books, I thought it would be interesting to chat with some of the artists he mentioned. Budjette put out the call for me and two to respond almost immediately were Leinil Francis Yu (X-Men,Wolverine,High Roads) and Gerry Alanguilan (Stone,Wetworks,X-Men), currently the penciller and inker on "Superman: Birthright" respectively. Read our round table discussion at: And Batch72's cover gets featured in the article! Alright! Yey!
"You can be me when I'm gone" Yesterday, I sent email to someone and actually wrote down, "... and I sometimes hang out with me." I meant to write down..."sometimes hang out with them." Bummer! My neurosis slips out on the keyboard. But I guess that is true... sometimes I just hang out with me.
+ Unbreakable Fat-Ass I got hit by a van today and didn't feel a thing. Ow! I was standing at the street corner, waiting for a cab, when I felt this enormous mass shoved me from behind. I thought it was some drunk bum who wanted me to get out of the way. When I turned around it was a red Toyota Highlander (Plate Number URL 244 or was it 442?). It was trying to back-up into a parking space. The driver stepped on the brakes and got out. A woman driver! Aha! :) She asked if I was all right and I waved her away because I needed to get a cab and go to a meeting! I guess I'm all right. Didn't feel *much* pain. My right knee buckled when the van pushed me and my right calf took the strain. Felt this dull pain on my right side, but it eventually went away. So, I guess I'm okay. Hmmm... maybe I am invulnerable! Tomorrow, will try to become invisible.
Found this new blog that's powered by the Flux Capacitor. Check out 1.21 GIGAWATTS . Funny. Crazy. Weird.
:) STARLA! Avid uploaded the Fanzone TVC in his site. But you'll need a DIXV player to be able to view it. It was fun working on this project with Avid. He even gave the secret code name for it. The project was called DOUBLE, then TRIPLE, later was called FANATIC, but needed another name because we already released a print ad using the code name FANATIC. During one of our first meetings, we ask Avid for a new code name for the project. He suddenly raised his arms and yelled, "STARLA!" Galeng, `no? Thus it was dubbed PROJECT: STARLA.