SUPERFANBOY Just my luck, I ended up seated beside Mr. Superfanboy last night, at the 12 midnight screening of SUPERMAN RETURNS. As much as I'd like to empathize with the next geek, he was just overreacting to everything on the screen. (I also think he was trying to impress his date.) Mr. Superfanboy kept going, OOOHHH! AHHH! WHOA! WOW! WHOA! ASTEEEG! Now, I must admit, there were a lot of scenes that made me gasp and say, "Astig!', but Mr. Superfanboy kept yelping every 60-seconds. He also went into, what I usually call, the Pesky Samaritan-mode, where he started to try and help the characters in the movie. He said things like, "LOOK OUT! NO! DON'T DO THAT! OH NO! WHOA! THAT'S BIG! WHOA! THAT'S KRYPTONITE! WHOA!" And he kept squirming and jumping up and down in his seat. Oh. What. Fun. Anyway, talking about geeks that also watched and loved the film, Jessica Zafra posted 13 reasons why SUPERMAN RETURNS is super. From a comic book geek point of view...
The rants and raves of a copy/comic book/writer in Manila.