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Showing posts from May 13, 2007
almost famous Next to Gerry and Nil getting the Superman:Birthright gig (as well as all the X-Men/Wolverine/mutant titles they’ve done)… next to Carl’s ZSAZSA ZATURNNAH winning the National Book Awards and getting adapted into an award-winning musical AND getting adapted into a movie for the MMFF… this next news has got to be a major highlight in realm of geekdom, as far as my friends as concerned. So, let me congratulate Rachel “I can pull of the whole Kate Hudson look better than Kate Hudson” Warren for getting a gig in the most fun workplace on earth (nope, not Disneyland). That’s right! Starting this June, Rachel will be working the almighty of Google. You’re going to the Googleplex, baby! Don’t forget us when you’re famous!