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Fantastic Lastik Comic Book

Why on earth would anyone want to get Mango Comics latest publication: MARS RAVELO’S LASTIKMAN?

Well, for only P150, which is the price you’d pay for a regular 22-page super-X-whatever-bat-book, you get a complete prestige formatish 56-page full color slam bang extravaganza!!!

Are you a fan of Gerry Alanguilan’s stories? Then you better get this book! Because if you want a dark, dramatic, blood and guts Wasted type story, then you better go get an extra copy of WASTED (still available in selected secret branches here and there).

But if you’re a fan of Gerry’s CREST HUT BUTT SHOP, then consider this CREST HUT’s elastic spastic cousin. Yup, all the crazy, zany, wacko slice of superhero life (including chickens) have been crammed into the panels of this 56-page book.

It’s a slam bang bang kerplang action packed story. Well, it’s more like slam bang bang HAHAHHA kapow kablam CRY CRY kablooey action packed type of story.

Another reason you should check out this book is the AAA! The Arnold Arre Art! Yup, Arnold’s back in fighting form. Last time we saw his work was AFTER EDEN and Arnold’s back with elastic vengeance (I’m sorry, I really don’t know what that means I just felt like I has to use the word elastic again.)

Anyway, Arnold really puts Lastikman through the paces and stretches him in every possible way. (Check out Lastiksquid!) As usual, Arnold jams the pages and panels with all sorts of comical details which definitely require a second and third reading to get all the visual jokes. (Let’s see if you can quickly spot the James Tailoring Shop… hehehe!)

And deserving of a second and third look is very sexy and very stretchable Atomika. Wow! All I can say is… WOW! (Well, there’s more to be said about this badbadgirl but let’s just stick to WOW for the moment.) Or how about… all I can say is WHOA! MAN! What a Woman! (Ok! Ok! I should’ve stopped with just saying WOW…)

You want more reasons to get a copy of MARS RAVELO’S LASTIKMAN? Well, do you like color? Yup, color! You like colorful stuff? Well, then you get color, bye golly, thanks to Edgar Tadeo (ably assisted by the randy Ryan Orosco), who brought Arnold’s art to full Technicolor life-- great work on the pages that show the hostage situation on the TV screen.

You still want another reason to get this book? Well, it’s only P150! For P150 you usually get… oh… wait … I already talked about that.

So, there.


Get it.




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