L'cOh mio! Sono vagante in italiano!
Couple of years ago (around 96 or 97), an Italian professor read my short story in the short-lived anthology “Chimera” and asked if he could include it in an anthology he was compiling. He said it was going to translated into Italian and published in Italy (of course). I said yes to his request.
Years later, he sent me a copy of the book, but it was delivered at a friend’s office, which shut down before I could get it.
I forgot all about it and thought, why would I need an Italian version of my story anyway.
Last night, I Googled myself and found my name in this Italian site.
Turns out, my story got include in the book (for a college course?): “Writings and Languages of the World. Stories for intercultural education. An anthology dedicated to the literature of the South of the world. Every reading is accompanied from integrating proposals of activity and distances.”
Other authors included in the anthology are Isabel Allende, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, and Ben Okri.
Wow! My name is in the same table of content as those great writers!
If I had a copy of this book, I’d bring it to client presentations and every time they’d shoot down my concepts, I’d whip out this book and slam it down on the table and say: HOW DARE YOU REJECT MY WORK! MY WRITING HAS BEEN PLACED SIDE-BY-SIDE WITH ALLENDE AND MARQUEZ! I DON’T NEED NO STINKIN’ APPROVAL FROM YOU.
Unfortunately, this pseudo-fame won’t pay the bills.
But maybe I should go back to writing dark and depressing stories.
L'cOh mio! Sono vagante in italiano!
Couple of years ago (around 96 or 97), an Italian professor read my short story in the short-lived anthology “Chimera” and asked if he could include it in an anthology he was compiling. He said it was going to translated into Italian and published in Italy (of course). I said yes to his request.
Years later, he sent me a copy of the book, but it was delivered at a friend’s office, which shut down before I could get it.
I forgot all about it and thought, why would I need an Italian version of my story anyway.
Last night, I Googled myself and found my name in this Italian site.
Turns out, my story got include in the book (for a college course?): “Writings and Languages of the World. Stories for intercultural education. An anthology dedicated to the literature of the South of the world. Every reading is accompanied from integrating proposals of activity and distances.”
Other authors included in the anthology are Isabel Allende, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, and Ben Okri.
Wow! My name is in the same table of content as those great writers!
If I had a copy of this book, I’d bring it to client presentations and every time they’d shoot down my concepts, I’d whip out this book and slam it down on the table and say: HOW DARE YOU REJECT MY WORK! MY WRITING HAS BEEN PLACED SIDE-BY-SIDE WITH ALLENDE AND MARQUEZ! I DON’T NEED NO STINKIN’ APPROVAL FROM YOU.
Unfortunately, this pseudo-fame won’t pay the bills.
But maybe I should go back to writing dark and depressing stories.