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Toks Solarin redesigns the X-MEN

Found these redesigned X-Men uniforms at Toks' DA site
The text pieces below are Toks' notes about the thinking that went through each redesign

Code name: Cyclops 

When ever I think of cyclops I always think of Jim lee's version so the current version looks weird to me, it's not bad it just doesn't feel like cyclops to me. This is what came out when I set about designing my own version of the x-men team leader. Scott seems like the type of guy that would take his role as leader very seriously. The X-men find themselves fighting for their lives almost daily and as a result I think Scott would study military tactics and deployment and so I made his uniform reflect that. I tried to stick to the blue and yellow colour scheme where I could, I gave him a flak jacket providing protection for his vital organs and made his suit a bit more protection based in general. I gave him a utility belt of sorts as the x teams are often deployed all over the world and the belt gives him the ability to carry medicine, food, water, communications, tracking devices and many more helpful items, which would prove indispensable on missions.

Code name: Marvel Girl

Jean is the communications specialists. Linking the teams minds allows for tactics and intel to be shared instantaneously which gives them a huge tactical advantage in battle. The ability to control minds comes in handy when extracting information from an enemy combatant and the telekinesis is a great offensive weapon. (on a side note, jean carries steel ball bearings with her so if there is nothing else she can use in battle she can project them like bullets.)

Code name: Angel 

He's a recon/surveillance specialist and sniper. Warren didn't like his role in the team when first assigned to him, Especially when Scott explained to him that with out learning these skills he was useless to the team. 'What use is a guy that can fly in a fire fight, you're not super fast so if you attempted to swoop down and attack some one they would see you a mile off and have plenty of time to shoot you out of the sky, but at as a long distance fighter and the real time intel you can provide us on the ground you would be invaluable to the team'. However once Angel threw him self into training he excelled at every thing and as a result became an indispensable part of Scott's team. Hank equipped Angel with everything he could need in his role. The head gear provides Angel and the team with Telescopic, night , and thermal visions. enhanced audio and video recording and a multitude of tracking options. The mask can also provide Warren with air if he needs to fly really high to avoid detection. The rifle has stun, kill and explosive options.
Code name: Beast 

Hank is the Tech officer on the team and with an IQ off the charts there isn't much he can't understand or build. He's also the team member that is most suited to stealth missions. With his augmented abilities (which came at a cost.) there isn't a place on earth Beast can't infiltrate. Violence doesn't come naturally to Hank, but he believes in the x-mens cause and is fully prepared to defend it. Beast will never start a fight but you can be certain he will finish it.

Code name: Iceman

Bobby Drake is the powerhouse of the team. With almost limitless power at his command Iceman is able to fight in many different ways but his favorite is as a giant ice golem, which enables him to go toe to toe with some of the most powerful beings on the planet.


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