The Brotherhood of Annoying Movie-Goers
Watched BROTHERHOOD OF THE WOLF last Saturday.
I liked two out of the three hours of the movie. Well, maybe it wasn't really three hours long but it certainly felt like it.
The fight scenes were great, even the scenes with the Beast were well done. But I think it was just too damned long. As you discover more and more about the secret of the Beast, you'd think the pace of the movie would go faster, leading you to the final revelation about the brotherhood, but NOOOO! We keep getting this pauses in the film where they devote time for this character and that character. At that point of the movie, all the set-up about plot and characters should have been done and we should be one our way to the ending.
To make matters worse, behind us sat the Brotherhood of Annoying Movie-Goers. They were five or six guys that just had to give a running commentary through-out the movie. From the sound of it they were Magic: The Gathering players because they'd compare the characters to charcaters in the game. Everything some action scene would happen or some woman would bare her breasts, they'd all comment, "Pwede na? Pwede na! Pare, pwede!" In one scene, where the lead character was sneaking around the enemy camp, one guy started to hum the theme to Mission:Impossible. AAARRRRGH!!!
Anyway, towards the end of the film I thought the bad guy would say, "If it wasn't for that pesky Indian and French guy, I would gotten away with my plans! MWAHAHAHAHA! Wait... I'm French too! That's why I'd mad! Mad, I tell you!"
Try to watch it on VCD/DVD so you can fast-forward when you feel like it.