I'm buzzed.
I shouldn't be blogging.
Who knows what I may write and regret later.
Just finished watched SATC at Telly's place with the usual suspects.
And as usual, finished two bottles of wine. Not all by myself, mind you.
But I'm buzzed.
And shouldn't be blogging.
After I finished lunch around 3pm, I checked email when I shouldn't have.
Then again, I guess I couldn't have avoided it.
I would have eventually found out.
Three years in this agaency and what do I have to show?
A lot, I guess.
Three years in this agency, and what comic book do I have to show.
Not a single one.
But I shouldn't really use this agency as an excuse for an being able to write and publish my comic books.
It is... nothing more... but an excuse.
Forgive me, that's the red wine talking.
Must stop that.
And just get to work.
But I'm buzzed.
But it's almost midnight.
But I must get back to work.